Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Racism 6

For this project, we had to create a series of six images and make them related to a theme of the movie. For my sixth one of racism, i drew different colored crayons and the black crayon has been broken but all the other ones are still a full crayon. I did this because it shows discrimination. It sort of represents how the black people are broken. The black crayon gets broken because of the way the bright crayons pick on him. It breaks him. I liked this because it allowed me to show how discrimination and racism works.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Racism 5

For this project, we had to create a series of six images and make them related to a theme of the movie. For my fifth one of racism, i drew crayons and the black crayon is being left out of the group. I did this because it shows discrimination. All the bright colored crayons dont want the black crayon in the group. I liked this because i separated myself from using someone else's image off the web, and i used my own idea to show racism and discrimination. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Racism 4

For this project, we had to create a series of six images and make them related to a theme of the movie. For my fourth one of racism, i wrote a sign that said help wanted and then it says whites only. I put an old window in the background so that it looked like the sign was on the window. I liked this because it shows how blacks weren't able to get jobs back then because stores only wanted white people.

Racism 3

For this project, we had to create a series of six images and make them related to a theme of the movie. For my third one of racism, i wrote a sign that said water fountain and then 2 separate signs that are for colored and whites pointing separate ways. I put a white guy and a black guy drinking from the fountain as a background because it was related to my theme. I liked this because it shows one of the ways blacks and whites were treated back when there was segregation. 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Racism 2

For this project, we had to create a series of six images and make them related to a theme of the movie. For my second one of racism, i wrote a sign that we should unite against racism, and then i put a black and white hand touching. I liked this because it let me express that you shouldnt be treated differently from others just because of you skin tone.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Racism 1

For this project, we had to create a series of six images and make them related to a theme of the movie. For my theme, i chose racism because the movies biggest theme is blacks vs whites. I liked this because it let me express that blacks, mixed, and white people are all the same and should be created equal no matter what. You shouldnt be treated differently from others just because of you skin tone. Its wrong in every way.

Text Illustration

This is my one work text illustration for the Power of One movie. For this project, we had to choose one word related to the movie and illustrate the letters with images that also relate to the movie. I liked this project because i felt like i was being creative and i felt like the images i use, really express the good parts in the movie.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Movie Poster

This is my Power of One movie poster. For this project, we had to make a movie poster for the movie that is creative and catches peoples eye. I chose to put a farming background because the little boy grew up on a farm. I put the boxing gloves in because it shows what the movie is all about. Its mostly about him boxing.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Color Stencil Wheel 2

For this project, we had to take 6 or more photos and create a stencil to cut out parts of these images. Then we can edit the photos and make them look cooler. Once we are done with that, we can make a cool background. I didn't make a gradient for this one because i figured this looked better without one. I liked this project because we got to do interesting things with different images.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Color Stencil Wheel 1

For this project, we had to take 6 or more photos and create a stencil to cut out parts of these images. Then we can edit the photos and make them look cooler. Once we are done with that, we can make a cool background. I did a gradient for this one. I liked this project because we got to do cool things with our own photos.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The 49 States: Photography exhibit at the MET in NYC

The 49 States

Matthew Jensen


I like this image because its all the states of the United States(except one) and it shows one of the roads in each state. I find it cool how they are all roads and it shows the nice sun and the trees. Matthew used photoshop by adjusting the images and making the color different. Some of the images are brighter than others. He adjust the color and contrast. Matthew is trying to achieve the difference of each state. He's showing people how every state is different from each other by appearance. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


For this project, we had to take 2 pieces of our own work, and put them together to make an image. For the first one, i took a picture of a horse and the beach, and i put them together so that the horse was walking along the beach. For the second one, i took a picture of me kicking the air and a picture that i edited to make it look like there were 2 moons, and i put them together so it looks like im in a field and kicking the grass with 2 moons behind me. I liked this project because i felt more like i was doing my own thing and not just taking stuff off the internet.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Alphabet Typeface

This is the final of a project we had to do where you find letters in nature or around the school and make an alphabet with them. We took a couple class periods to go around and take pictures and find letters. It was hard because some letters are hard to find with out making them but I think we did a pretty good job with it. It was Olivia, Adam, Daniel and I who worked on this project.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Batesville Tshirt

This is my Batesville tshirt. For this project, we had to make a tshirt design for an event in Batesville. They are going to have fun activities, including making apple butter. The event is May 18, 2013. I liked this project because it was fun to be able to kind of do your own thing. This was an enjoyable project.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Comic Strip

For this project, Daniel and I played lovers and we edited the images to make them cartoon like. To add to the cartoon effect, we put speech bubbles in each scene. I worked in a group on this project with Olivia, Adam, Gill, and Daniel.

Chair Artwork2

This is my second chair project. For this project we had to make designs on the chair using our own artwork. I liked this project because I felt like I was combining all my artwork together to make almost like a big collage.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chair Artwork

This is my chair artwork. For this project we had to make designs on the chair using our own artwork. I liked this project because I felt like I was combining all my artwork together to make almost like a big collage.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Art History Project

I used the NAPP website to learn how I can use the Art History Brush tool to draw on my image. I made the mountains, moon and the star, blurry to make the image revolve more around the water.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Midterm Project

For the midterm exam, we had to edit images in a certain way on a 7 by 5 grid. I sorta did a black and white colorful theme. I made one image all black and white with some effects, and then the other image I used, it was colorful. I edited them some of them in different ways with it being simple, to getting hard. I found this project fun to do.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Inside Out

This is my inside out project. I used an apple and i put the outside on one side, and the inside of the apple on the other.

Flipping Backgrounds

I used the NAPP website to learn how I can flip backgrounds. I took this image, and i flipped it so that it looks like there are 2 moons in the sky.