Thursday, November 22, 2012


I used PhotoFunia on this image. I didnt really like this website either because it didnt have very many effects either. The only thing i liked, was that i could put my image in a cool place! Like in this image, for example, i was able to put my image on a billboard type thing which was cool!


This image was edited with citrify. Citrify wasnt one of my favorite ones, but it worked pretty well. There werent that many cool things i could do except effects. I didnt find this website too amazing.


I used picmonkey to edit this photo. I like picmonkey a lot because it gave me a lot of options to edit my photo. I was able to write "best friends forever" on the image and put a heart. I also was able to make my image black and white which i thought looked the best for us.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Self Portrait

This is a self-portrait project i did. I used one picture of me and i made 8 copies of it to make it a little box of 9 pictures of me. I put edited all of the pictures to make them a different effect so that they looked cooler. I then turned 4 of them so that people could see all different directions of me. I liked this project a lot because it was cool to be able to edit pictures and make them look different.


This painting was for the kindergartener, Marla, who was a good painter. She inspired me that no matter what you paint, it can look cool in its own way. After watching her, i drew this and thought it looked cool. Thanks Marla.