Thursday, December 13, 2012

Taylor Swift Advertisement

For this project I am advertising Taylor Swift and when she performs. In the advertisement I included the date, time, and place, therefore people will know all the information. Olivia and I worked on this project together.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Kaleidoscope 2

I changed my first image into a kaleidoscope and it became the second image. I think the kaleidoscope version looks kind of like something in the woods because of all the green from the trees. It is also kind of awkward because of how my leg and arm got into the picture, but it makes it look cool too. I like this image a lot!


I changed my first image into a kaleidoscope and it became the second image. This image is my favorite because its got a cool background and then with the trees, it makes it look cooler. In the kaleidoscope version, it looks like a really cool picture frame.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


I used PhotoFunia on this image. I didnt really like this website either because it didnt have very many effects either. The only thing i liked, was that i could put my image in a cool place! Like in this image, for example, i was able to put my image on a billboard type thing which was cool!


This image was edited with citrify. Citrify wasnt one of my favorite ones, but it worked pretty well. There werent that many cool things i could do except effects. I didnt find this website too amazing.


I used picmonkey to edit this photo. I like picmonkey a lot because it gave me a lot of options to edit my photo. I was able to write "best friends forever" on the image and put a heart. I also was able to make my image black and white which i thought looked the best for us.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Self Portrait

This is a self-portrait project i did. I used one picture of me and i made 8 copies of it to make it a little box of 9 pictures of me. I put edited all of the pictures to make them a different effect so that they looked cooler. I then turned 4 of them so that people could see all different directions of me. I liked this project a lot because it was cool to be able to edit pictures and make them look different.


This painting was for the kindergartener, Marla, who was a good painter. She inspired me that no matter what you paint, it can look cool in its own way. After watching her, i drew this and thought it looked cool. Thanks Marla.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Art News!

I like this image because of the color and the arrangement of different objects.
I like this image because of the way the different objects are put into this image to make it look cooler and all in one simple color.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Crazy Combos

This was the crazy combos project. We had to pick different animals and mix them together to make a crazy combination. I approached this project by thinking of an easy animal to pick and cut off different parts of the body to put new parts on. I chose to use a llama because its a big animal and i could change plenty of different stuff on it. The llama inspired me to create a new animal.